Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Unique Identification Number

Primary Purpose: The primary purpose of the author is to brief the new initiative taken by UPA government,Unique Identification Number, for which Infosys co-founder Nandan Nelekhani will be heading.
US has this unique identification in the form of Social Security number.Author explains the in India also we need something similar to it.One identification should be suffice for bank transactions,voter identification,ration cards,income tax etc.
While we have started a god initiative it is also important to see that this will be usefull in these areas,otherwise the primary purpose of the initiative will be lost and more over this will become a overhead.It is also important to ensure that the liberty of the public is not lost.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Encourage Street Vending

Primary Purpose: The author highlights the problems of street vendors and says that government should implement the laws putforth.
Summary: The government and other development organisations are bringing in laws after laws but state governments and local bodies are doing very little to implement those laws.
The author speaks about the town Vending Committee to regulate the activities of street vendors.

Lotusians reduce the strength of Hindutva

Primary Purpose:The author outlines the proceedings of executive meeting of BJP.
Summaey:BJP has convened an executive meet to disucss the reasons for its defete in 15th lok Sabha elections.While Rajnath Sing and Menaka Gandhi supported the party's strand on Hindutva,many protested.The meeting finally reached with the consensus not to take any bigotic anti Muslim interpretation of Muslims.This helped to mitigate the impression that party is heading towords dissent.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Effect of Conservation

Primary Purpose:

Summary: The author explains that particular species of parrot which was in critically endangered list of Internation Union for Conservation of Nature has grown up in numbers because of the conservation action that is undertaken.He also explains about one of the reason 'extintion vortex'.One more reason being the extintion of the feed.
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brink idiom:teeter on the brink
stave off

Pakistan cricket team sprung up again

Primary purpose:To tell the readers that Pakistan's success has revived the hopes in cricket in Pakistan and restored the credits the team has.

Summary:The author speaks about the victory of Pakistan's cricket team in second ICC world Twenty20.
He says its a big victory than world cup in 1992 ,reason being it was not faring well before the IPL but still could manage to win IPL.Because of terrorism in Pakistan every one has a lower eye on it and it is beeing marginalised.But with this victory it will again be able to restore its clout in cricket.Author also applouds the Sri Lankan cricket.

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Monday, June 22, 2009


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